Pregnancy Exercise Program - Advanced - Week 1-2 - By Octavia, Founder and Physio

Polly cable row

Hi Warrior,

Congratulations on your pregnancy and for deciding to take part in exercise to optimise yours and your babies health.

You are here as following completing the questionnaire and the safety check we feel you would benefit from starting on the advanced program. Most pregnancy programs do a set of exercises for each trimester but we recognise that you are all individuals and therefore depending on where YOU are you at might benefit from different exercises.

You are in the advanced program because you have stated that you currently take part in regular amounts of weekly exercise and have no pain.

The evidence has now changed that you can exercise without being signed off by a doctor even if you have never exercised. Almost all exercise is recommended and encouraged, even high intensity. However, it is worth understanding how to move, what is good posture and the basics of training in pregnancy.

If you are experiencing pain we would aways recommend you see a physio or your doctor. Often there are some really simple tips, tricks you can do or treatments you can receive that will get you back in track again. Your body is going to be changing drastically over the next nine months so don't suffer in silence. Check out our Physio list or speak to your local team.

So let's get to work.

This program is designed to be done twice over a fortnight before you move on to week 3-4.

Strength takes time to build as does the connection with your mind and body, so work through the classes carefully and systematically. In two weeks you’ll have better motor control. In six weeks your will be increasing the actual number of muscle fibres. The longer you hold a loaded muscle the more fibres you will recruit so be mindful, slow and controlled with your movements.

As always, listen to your body and work with what feels good. If you need to step it back then that is fine. Go back to a class you feel comfortable doing and work at that level from a while.

Happy training.


Week 1-2

Work through this program at your rate. We believe in choice and variety so this is just a guide but we hope you enjoy the program. Do a video each day and this should meet your optimal amount of exercise advised each week. Repeat the program on the second week then move onto the week 3-4 program. Like we said listen to your body and if you are not ready or something doesn't feel right then ease off or seek support.

Day 1 - Pilates - High Tempo - Octavia

Picking up the pace to get the heart rate up. Lovely strength and cardio program. Weights and water are needed. 20 mins

Day 2 - Yoga - Yoga for Better Sleep - Hayley

Pop your Pyjamas on and enjoy this delicious mind, body & breath settling class. Particularly great class if you have been experiencing pregnancy insomnia, or post-natal sleep deprivation! Not for those with pelvic girdle pain. 40 mins

Day 3 - Rest day - Breathwork - Rest in this Moment- Laura

Some information to indulge in understanding exercise in pregnancy. Worth a watch for all trimesters.

If you are doing this program having completed the foundation or intermediate program then perhaps you might like to learn about variations of core exercises in pregnancy or options of a Protein Rich Breakfast

Day 4 - Fitness - Lower Body Band Workout - Lauren

This short workout targets the lower body using a band in a short amount of time! It focuses on maintaining and developing strength in the lower body and options are given whether you are pregnant or in the postpartum stage of your journey.  Intermediate level

15 mins

Day 5 - Pilates - Core and Glutes - Octavia

Strong full body workout targeting the abdominals using the band. Standing, kneeling and four point kneeling. 

20 mins

Day 5 Gym - Octavia

Do each set twice. 8-10 reps of the exercise or 15-20 seconds on.

Set 1 : Reverse lunge followed by Shadow boxing

Set 2 : Standing chest press followed by Sumo Squat

Set 3: Box press followed by curtsy lunge

Day 6 - Rest day Reassurance, relaxation and release for the first trimester -Susanna and Val

Day 7 - Yoga - Lower back Yoga- Niki

An easeful 30 mins for your lower back and mid back, perfect for preconception, trimester one and six months postpartum.

If you are trimester two or three

30 mins

If you are in your sec and or third trimester try Pilates - Hip Openers and Glutes - Octavia, Founder and Physio

Hips get notoriously tight through pregnancy as our posture changes. This is a great workout to open the joints, helping you target your glutes better. 

20 mins 

Information from our nutritionist Katy

Eating for two in the first trimester

Eating for two in the second trimester

Eating for two in the third trimester


We hope you find this program help and informative. Of course there are so many other videos to choose from to learn and move with so do have a browse from out media page and check out the learning hub for other guides.

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