The Essential Guide to Navigating Matrescence, By Katherine Hale Matrescence coach.

Katherine Hale

What is Matrescence?

Motherhood is an amazing experience that brings women immense joy and happiness. However, this isn't always the case. The transformative journey can also be overwhelming, isolating and challenging. The physical, emotional, hormonal and social changes that come with motherhood can sometimes be too much to handle on our own. This leaves us feeling lost, isolated, confused, disconnected and uncertain about the future. 


This transition from women to mother is known as Matrescence. Despite the word being coined by Dana Raphael in 1973, the term is not widely used. Sadly, this rollercoaster of emotions and experiences new mothers go through, is largely ignored by society, despite the transition being as significant as adolescence! This is hardly surprising given the primary focus is very much on the baby during pregnancy, birth and the post-natal period. Mothers are often forgotten and rarely ever effectively supported. The tide is however changing since Dr Alexander Sack's Ted Talk. You can watch her 2018 presentation entitled “A new way to think about motherhood” on UTube here. She, amongst others, are slowly changing the perspectives of women across the globe. 

Why was Thrive in Motherhood created?

This lack of support is what inspired me to set up Thrive in Motherhood. As a certified Matrescence Coach, transformation director, Army veteran and mum of three I am dedicated to helping mums thrive. I offer personal, group and corporate coaching to my clients. 

Having been through my own identity challenge during my third maternity leave I personally know the struggles new mums face. I also know that having a coach to empower, enlighten and educate can make all the difference. Finding out about the word Matrescence, only two years ago has been life changing for me.

Matrescence and the Thrive in Motherhood Group Coaching Programme

As a result of my corporate experience and expertise as a coach I have designed a group coaching programme which supports clients better navigate Matrescence. During my 10 week programme, clients get a better understanding of themselves and are able to live more aligned to their new values. All clients go on a journey of reflection, emotional understanding, acceptance and commitment. 

My “REACT” group coaching programme supports mothers go from surviving to feeling inspired, fulfilled, empowered and connected. After only a few short weeks they are thriving.

The programme is for you if you find yourself …

“Feeling stretched in all directions, lost and not sure who you now are”

“Grieving your old life and feeling like a completely different person as a mum"

"Worrying about how to juggle things when you return to work”

“Trying to be the person you were pre-children but deep down you know you have changed”

"Seeking to better understand yourself and what you want as a mother”

“Learning to reprioritise yourself again without feeling guilt”

“Wanting to make sense of the changes you have experienced since becoming a mother”

What do my clients say?

My online coaching groups are a great way to raise your self-awareness and reconnect with yourself whilst having open, honest conversations with other like-minded mums. You will be positively challenged, supported and inspired. The feedback from my current group has been amazing!

“I have been surprised by how much difference it has made to my outlook and wellbeing in a short space of time. I am realising that I'm not alone in how I'm feeling, and I am more positive about myself. All mums could benefit from participating!” (Charlotte Tovey, May 23)

"The programme is really thought provoking. It is worthwhile taking the time to stop and reflect when you can, I would thoroughly recommend it.” (Sophie Ellis-Waring, May 23)

“The programme has made a huge impact in my life. I feel like I now have the understanding and the tools to help me on my Matrescence journey to be a more authentic me. While I am starting to understand myself more as a mother, I also feel I have begun to understand myself as an individual too. This has been a real turning point.” (Natalie Nixon, May 23)

My next programme starts later in the Autumn. More details can be found at where you can book a complimentary call with me to find out more. 

What are you waiting for?


Thrive in Motherhood Personal Coaching

For those wanting a more bespoke, personalised experience, I also offer 121 coaching. I help mothers delve deeper into their specific Matrescence challenges enabling them to rapidly overcome their struggles.

Being a mother is hard and often unlike what we expected. And motherhood is the biggest transformation in your life. Working with me is set to be a unique, life changing and truly transformational experience.

Motherhood is relentless. It is important to acknowledge that the "perfect mother" doesn't exist. The concept of a "good enough mother" allows women to embrace imperfections and accept that they are doing the best they can. I support mums to rediscover themselves and be proud of who they now are. 

I recognise the importance of self-care. It directly correlates with our ability to be the best mothers we can be. Therefore, I encourage all my clients to prioritise their needs, align their values and make choices that are right for BOTH them and their families not what society expects them to do. 

Making time for yourself to reflect and begin to know what you now want and need as a mother is the best place to start!

If you are going through Matrescence, please know that you are not alone. I can support and guide you to thrive in this new phase of life. 

So what have I got coming up ...

For those reading this and struggling with overwhelm, I’m running a free online masterclass on Mon 3 Jul at 8pm. It's entitled “Overwhelm: What mothers really need to know (How to manage it over the long summer holidays!) Registration is via my website or my Instagram bio link  

As I said previously, my next group coaching programme is starting in the Autumn. Join me for a Q&A session on Tues 18 Jul at 8pm (BST) if you want to know more. For more info and to register visit my website at

The first Thrive in Motherhood Retreat, co-hosted with Becca Meadows Nutrition, is taking place on Tues 26th Sept at The Farm, Avebury, SN8 1FE. This is a day of personal reflection and self-discovery with a great line-up of guests, including Octavia from Xena Life! Sign up on my website before the end of July to get a 10% discount using the code EARLYBIRD10. 

Join me at the Thrive in Motherhood Retreat Tues 26 Sept at The Farm, Avebury, Wiltshire -Find out about the forthcoming Thrive in Motherhood Retreat here

Please share this blog on your social media channels and with anyone who might benefit reading it. 

Katherine Hale Bio

Founder of Thrive in Motherhood

Having been a Transformation Director at EY, Katherine understands change from both a corporate and personal perspective. She is a certified Matrescence coach and NLP practitioner.

She has learnt to love her new “mum identity” having stepped away from corporate life and a 6-figure salary to do something different. She became an entrepreneur, business owner, founder of Thrive in Motherhood last year. Her coaching practice, supporting women transition into and through motherhood, was established whilst bringing up three pre-schoolers! Her first group coaching programme sold out only 8 weeks after signing her first client! Visit her website to find out how she can support you. 

 Website - 

Group Coaching Programme - uk/group-coaching-programme

Free Understanding Your Matrescence Journey Guide - Download your Free Guide Here

How confident are you as a mum? - Download your Free Confidence Mum Quiz Here

Join me at the Thrive in Motherhood Retreat Tues 26 Sept at The Farm, Avebury, Wiltshire - Find out about the forthcoming Thrive in Motherhood Retreat here

Instagram - thrive_in_motherhood

Facebook - Thrive-in-Motherhood

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